toypoodle dog breeder
toypoodle dog breeder.intrduction of toypoodle's root,charactor,and notes
toypoodle breeder


toypoodle roots

The origin of the name of toypoodle from Pudel. It was miniaturized fast, and a miniature poodle was born in the 18th century toypoodle, and popular among the 16th century as the holding dog.

toypoodle charactor

As for toypoodle, it is cheerful and in a very clever dog, is mild. The discipline and training also get togged up positively while enjoying it. It is loved to play with the owner. Because it is a light, active kinds of dogs, it is suitable for dog sports of holding training concurrently. It is hail-fellow-well-met and it is obedient. It is a dog that doesn't cause the trouble easily even at home where Sinu exists the child and ahead.

toypoodle notes

Because toypoodle is considerably active, the momentum is firmly secured. When the movement that an intellectual element like the agility etc. starts is done, it satisfies it. Trim a necessary, daily hair is diligently managed once a month. It drips and because it is an ear, the ear cleaning is not forgotten.

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